
On this page:

Return button.


[button link="#" type="primary" size="lg"]Read More[/button]


Attribute Type Values Description
type text default, primary, success, warning, info, danger, inverse, link Type of the button.
size text xs, sm, lg Size class of the button: extra small, small, large.
link url Button link.
target text _blank, _self _blank = open link in a new window, _self = open link in the current window.
icon text Icon name.
icon_pos text before, after Button icon position.
title text Button link title attribute. It's require for tooltip.
ttpos text top, right, bottom, left Tooltip position.
fw boolean 1, 0 Set to "1" to make button 100% witdh.
border boolean 1, 0 Set to "1" to use border style.
class text Custom css class.
ml number Margin left value in pixels, without "px".
mr number Margin right value in pixels, without "px".
mt number Margin top value in pixels, without "px".
mb number Margin bottom value in pixels, without "px".

Attributes - New Learning

Attribute Type Values Description
bgcolor text Background color. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
bghcolor text Background color on hover. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
borcolor text Border color. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
border boolean 1, 0 Set to "1" to use border style.
borhcolor text Border color on hover. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
center boolean 1, 0 Set to "1" to center button in parent element.
color text Button text color. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
custom_class text Custom CSS class.
fw boolean 1, 0 Set to "1" to make button 100% witdh.
fwcls text global, light, normal, medium, bold Button font weight.
hcolor text Button text color on hover. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
iafter boolean 1, 0 Set to "1" to place icon after button text.
icon text Icon name.
isicon boolean 1, 0 Set to "1" to use icon.
link url Button link.
lspacing number Space between letters in pixels, without "px".
mb number Margin bottom value in pixels, without "px".
ml number Margin left value in pixels, without "px".
mr number Margin right value in pixels, without "px".
mt number Margin top value in pixels, without "px".
rounded number 0, 1, -1 0 = global style, 1 = rounded corners, -1 = square corners.
size text normal, sm, lg, xlg Button size: normal, small, large, extra large.
target boolean 1, 0 1 = open link in a new window, 0 = open link in the current window.
type text default, primary, secondary, success, warning, info, danger, inverse, link Type of the button.
upper boolean 1, 0 Set to "1" to transform text characters to uppercase.
width number Button width in pixels, without "px".
wspacing number Space between words in pixels, without "px".