
On this page:

Return vertically collapsing accordion.


[accordion_item title="Title 1"]Content 1[/accordion_item]
[accordion_item title="Title 2"]Content 2[/accordion_item]


Attribute Type Values Description
[accordion ...]
accordion_active number 1, 0 Accordion item to open by default. If you want close all items set this attribute to "0".
parent boolean 1, 0 Set to "1" to close other accordion items when the current item is opened.
[accordion_item ...]
icon text Icon name.
title text Sample text Title of the accordion item.

Attributes - New Learning

Attribute Type Values Description
[accordion ...]
accordion_active number 1, 0 Accordion item to open by default. If you want close all items set this attribute to "0".
cbgcolor text Content background color. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
custom_class text Content CSS class.
hbgcolor text Heading background color. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
hbghcolor text Heading background color on hover. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
icon text Default icon name for all accordion items. Icon name.
iconcolor text Icon color. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
iconhcolor text Icon color on hover. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
isicon boolean 1, 0 Set to "1" to display icons.
mb number Margin bottom in pixels, without "px".
mt number Margin top in pixels, without "px".
padding boolean 1, 0 Setting to add extra padding.
parent boolean 1, 0 Set to "1" to close other accordion items when the current item is opened.
rounded boolean 1, 0 Set to "1" to use rounded style.
scheme text light, dark Light or dark color scheme.
size text sizes, sizem, sizel Accordion size: small, medium and large.
tcolor text Title color. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
tfs text Title font size in rem, without "rem".
tfw text fwglobal, fwlight, fwnormal, fwmedium, fwbold Title font weight.
thcolor text Title color on hover. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
type text default, minimal Accordion style.
[accordion_item ...]
icon text Icon name.
title text Sample text Title of the accordion item.