Box icon

On this page:

Return boxes with text and icon.


[boxes columns="3"]
[boxicon icon="pe-7s-plugin" title="Title 1" link="#"]Content 1[/boxicon]
[boxicon icon="pe-7s-cloud-download" title="Title 2" link="#"]Content 2[/boxicon]
[boxicon icon="pe-7s-tools" title="Title 3" link="#"]Content 3[/boxicon]


Attribute Type Values Description
columns number Number of columns.
icon text Icon name.
type number Box type: 1, 2 or 3...
color text primary Box icon color: gray, primary, danger, info, inverse, success, warning .
title text Box title text.
link url Box link.
link_target text Box link target. Set "_blank" to open link in a new window.

Shortcode - New Learning

[boxes boxid="boxesicon" type="1" columns="4"]
[boxesicon_item icon="pe-7s-help2" title="Box 1"]Content 1[/boxesicon_item]
[boxesicon_item icon="pe-7s-coffee" title="Box 2"]Content 2[/boxesicon_item]
[boxesicon_item icon="pe-7s-rocket" title="Box 3"]Content 3[/boxesicon_item]
[boxesicon_item icon="pe-7s-plugin" title="Box 4"]Content 3[/boxesicon_item]

Attributes - New Learning

Attribute Type Values Description
[boxes ...]
bgcolor text Background color. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
boxid number boxesicon This attribute is required.
boxmb number Margin bottom of boxes in pixels, without "px".
btnfwcls text global, light, normal, medium, bold Button font weight.
btnrounded boolean 1, 0 Set to "1" to use rounded style of button.
btnsize text normal, sm, lg, xlg Button size css class.
btntext text Button text.
btntype text primary, secondary, success, warning, info, danger, inverse Button type css class.
ccolor text Accent color. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
color text primary secondary success warning info danger inverse Box color CSS class.
columns number from 1 to 5 Number of columns.
custom_class text Custom CSS class.
cwidth number Box content width in pixels, without "px".
desc boolean 1, 0 Set to "0" to hide box description.
gutter text thin, normal, none Css class to set padding between boxes.
height number Box height in pixels, without "px".
icolor text Icon color. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
itemlink boolean 1, 0 Set to "1" to apply a link to a whole box.
linkbtn number 0, 1, 2 0 = no link, 1 = arrow link, 2 = button link
mb number Margin bottom in pixels, without "px".
mt number Margin top in pixels, without "px".
rounded boolean 1, 0 Set to "1" to use rounded style.
tcolor text Box title color. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
txcolor text Box text color. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
tfs text Title font size in rem, without "rem".
tfw text global, light, normal, medium, bold Title font weight.
tlh text global, small, normal Title line height.
type number from 1 to 8 Box type.
wave boolean 1, 0 Set to "1" to apply the "wave" style.
[boxesicon_item ...]
bgcolor text Background color. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
btnbgcolor text Button background color. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
btnbghcolor text Button background color on hover. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
btnborcolor text Button border color. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
btnborhcolor text Button border color on hover. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
btncolor text Button text color. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
btnhcolor text Button text color on hover. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
ccolor text Accent color. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
icolor text Icon color. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
icon text Icon name.
link URL Link URL.
link_target boolean 1, 0 Set to "1" to open link in a new window.
tcolor text Box title color. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.
title text Box title.
txcolor text Box text color. Hex or rgb/rgba color value.