Box icon

Return boxes with text and icon.


[boxes columns="3"]
[boxicon icon="pe-7s-plugin" title="Title 1" link="#"]Content 1[/boxicon]
[boxicon icon="pe-7s-cloud-download" title="Title 2" link="#"]Content 2[/boxicon]
[boxicon icon="pe-7s-tools" title="Title 3" link="#"]Content 3[/boxicon]


Name Type Default Description
columns number 1 Number of columns.
icon string Icon name: Glyphicons, Font Awesome or Pe-icon-7-stroke.
type number 1 Box type: 1, 2 or 3...
color string primary Box icon color: gray, primary, danger, info, inverse, success, warning .
title string Box title text.
link url Box link.
link_target string Box link target. Set "_blank" to open link in a new window.